Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How not to write a news story

"Everyone avoids Mason judge" is a good story told badly. It takes at least 20 paragraphs to get to the what-the-hell-is-going-on part. The judge -- George Parker -- even gets to respond to allegations of his misconduct before the allegations are explained by the Enquirer. In print, the Enquirer does one of those bizarre things where it devotes a big chunk of the front page to tell you about the story, but then makes you go to another section to actually see the story. In this case, the story is buried at the bottom of the Metro page. Due to a lack of space and a lack of talent, the Enquirer continues to have trouble dealing with complex subjects. Their strategy is to dumb them down to the point where they're unreadable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how their imagination is only useful when they stretch the facts.

8:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The printed version of this story -- different than the online version -- got straight to the point. It said that police and prosecutors were so fed up with Judge Parker, they were doing everything they could to avoid his court. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its true that the Enquirer hides the real stories in the middle, at the bottom with simple, misleading titles to throw people off.
This Judge is the only one whos court room I have been in where he treats all people the same including the attorneys and the city staff...of course they do not like this type of fairness across the board. No special treatment there.

8:47 PM  

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